Indus River Expedition 

Quick Facts


Price: $ 1600 per head

Difficulty Level: Moderate / Challenging 

Rapid Class: 1 to 4+

Location: Ladak.


Come on an unforgettable Rafting-Kayaking Expedition with Wet n Wild Explorations where you get a chance to experience the thrill of high volume white water where you will navigate through exciting grade 4 & 5 rapids with full river and ground support from the best of the guides in the industry.

Trip Highlights


Day 1: Demchok to Koyol

Starting on 15th August we drive from Leh to Denchok, which is almost 8hrs drive. We will leave early morning and have lunch on the way. Once we reach at the Denchok campsite we stay there overnight, rest and recuparate.

Next day we will have early breakfast and leave early as we wi need to start with a section that is an completely unpaddled.

We leave by 8 am, have packed lunch on the way. Once we reach Rongo we will pitch our tents for the day there. However, we will keep the plan flexible depending on the river situation.

Day 2: Koyol to Rongo

Day 2 again marks another unpaddled section for us to traverse. So, we start early. After another exciting day of paddling we camp at Rongo. However, we need to keep our plan and campsite flexible as per the river situation.

Day 3: Rongo to Muth

The get-up call will be around 5:30am and we need to start by 8am today, as well. You will be provided with packed lunch on this day, which we will enjoy in-between paddling and in some serene locale. We reach Muth and camp there. After hot dinner you catch up on the much needed Zzzs.

Day 4: Muth to Chumathang

Today will be another exciting day as we get to visit and relax in hot-springs! Rejuvenate those tired muscles and reflect on our journey so far. However, we keep this day also a little flexible to accommodate the paddling course and the campsite at the pre-decided location, Chumathang. Bond over hot dinner at campsite and retire to our tents for the day.

Day 5: Chumathang to Kiari

This day marks the begining of another highlights of the expeditions - the class 3 & 4 grade rapids! From today we will be changing from oar-rick to paddle boards. We will be negotiating these challenging rapids from today onwards. After an exciting course of paddling we reach in the evening at the Kiari campsite, rest and get ourselves ready for the next day.

Day 6: Kiari to Himiya

Today's plan include 5 to 6 hrs of paddling. We will have breaks in between and stop for lunch. Our campsite will be at Himiya and we will have dinner at the campsite.

Day 7: Himiya to Upshi

Day 7 involes another 5 to 6 hrs of paddling on the exciting and inviting Indus. We navigate through quite a few rounds of grade 3 & 4 rapids with our skilled guides at the helm. Thereafter, we reach Upshi, stay overnight at another serene campsite, have dinner and rest.

Day 8: Upshi to Karu

Today's plan starts with a paddling secrion. However, we need to avoid the dam section and so we take our on-ground support, drive till a location below the dam and start paddling somewhere from this area and reach campsite at Karu. There iur daily routine follows till we retire to our camps for rest.

Day 9: Karu to Phey

Now, here is another that you should mark on this Indus expedition. This will be a mesmerizing, scenic day for you where you are welcomed by the deep, reverberating valleys! Paddling is also on the easy side as this is more of a floating day. We reach at Phey and camp there for the night.

Day 10: Phey to Nimmoo

This is a day where we paddle, then we take our lunch over the dam section on the way and then drive to Alchi and camp there for the day. As simple, as it sounds!

Day 11: Nimmoo to Khalsi

Get ready! And when we say get ready it is the announcement for another exciting part of your journey through Indus! Here comes the much heard-of and challenging Lower Indus with big rapids that will keep you company till the last paddling day. So, yes, like we said, get ready to lap-up all the excitement that is in store for you.

Day 12: Khalsi to Achinathang

This section that we will navigate on day 12 offers good class 4 or 5 rapids, with big volume water! A splashy day, indeed! We will have lunch in between, reach the campsite at Achinathang and rest for the day.

Day 13: Achinathang to Beema

Today is the last day and combines a 3 hrs paddling and same day drive back to Leh that will take approximately 4 hrs. We reach at the end of an exciting journey where you take back loads of memory to last a lifetime!


Cost: $ 1600 per head

Minimum group size - 4. For smaller groups we are happy to do the expedition for a minor increase in price, or we can club you with other groups depending on availability. For larger groups (8 or more) we are happy to give discounts, reach out to us for the same!

What is included in the cost

What is NOT included in the cost

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